Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another roadtrip begins :)

So after a long thinking on my behalf (Marion told that it is up to me to decide where to go - like always she lets me to make all the decisions) we decided to skip Boston and go to Savannah Georgia instead - to be more exact, drive there and back :)

I have a thing for road trips in US :) and it is supposed to be 20C in the south versus freezing in the north...

So it is 9 AM 1.November and we are off - first to library to get a book about Georgia (I managed to read 2 books about Boston already) and then 9 hours drive down to southern US...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Milline tüdruk!Juba jälle kaugel reisil :). Tore, tore! Head reisi Sulle, viskan ikka pilgu peale, kui vähegi mahti saan. Take Care!
Tervitades Marje